What’s New
Request for Proposals
Smart Start Funding 2025-2027
RCPC is seeking proposals to administer Smart Start funds for programs for children prenatally through age five and their families for fiscal years 2025-2027. Click the button below to access the full Request for Proposals. Any agency or organization interested in applying must attend a mandatory virtual bidders conference on Wednesday, January 29th at 9am. The meeting link is included in the document linked below.
Early Childhood Academy
Individuals graduating from this academy will have an employment portfolio of training certificates required by the state of North Carolina and will be immediately eligible for employment in the field of early care and education. Registration will open as of August 26, 2024 and will close on September 13, 2024.

Check our “what’s new” with stories about our community members and opportunities to join us at our meetings and conferences.
Find an invitation to our 2022-2023 NC Pre-K Site Interest Meeting inside!
Gini’s Story
Gini Cardwell is a mom who has it all together. At least that’s how it appears from the outside looking in…Gini is a Rockingham County native, loves the area, and is well integrated in the community. To the casual observer, Gini is the perfectly adjusted mother. But it isn’t that simple…
Magi-Lyn’s Story
What makes a supermom? For Magi-Lyn Tucker, it’s a combination of motherly instinct and a little professional help…
Miss B’s Story
Once upon a time, Besceglari Wilson had a dream. She dreamed that she could provide quality childcare and education to the youth of Rockingham County…Aptly, she adopted a new, more kid-friendly name: Miss B. As every entrepreneur knows, starting a business is overwhelming…
Samantha’s Story
It was 2018 when Samantha Reynolds found out about the pregnancy. She was excited, but she was young and unprepared. She had just graduated from college, and she and her boyfriend were living with his father…The baby was coming soon, and Samantha was beginning to wonder how they would take care of him…
Smart Start Bidders Conference 2021-2022
With Smart Start funds, RCPC supports evidence-based & evidence-informed programs for children ages prenatal through five years and their families. The partnership is currently requesting program applications for the 2021-2022 funding cycle (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022).
Smart Start Bidders Conference 2020-2021
With Smart Start funds, RCPC supports evidence-based & evidence-informed programs for children ages prenatal through five years and their families. The partnership is currently requesting program applications for the 2020-2021 funding cycle (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021).
Kindergarten 101
Will your child be 5 or more by August 31st? Just want to know more? Then this is for you!
Smart Start Bidders Conference 2019-2020
With Smart Start funds, RCPC supports evidence-based & evidence-informed programs for children ages prenatal through five years and their families. The partnership is currently requesting program applications for the 2019-2020 funding cycle (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).