About Us
RCPC is a public, private non-profit organization, which administers Smart Start funds and services for children age birth through five and their families in Rockingham County.
Our Vision
All Rockingham County children prenatal to age five years old are thriving, regardless of who they are or where they live.
Our Mission
We build key learning and developmental opportunities for children under five, by leading programs and partnering with educators, families, and the community.
Our history and how it started
Special recognition to the Gwyn family for being instrumental in the establishment of the
Rockingham County Partnership for Children

Connect. Support. Build.
Families and early childhood educators will have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to solve their challenges.
✓ Amplify our position as the hub for all families and childhood educators in need of connection to resources, services, and support.
✓ Increase the quantity and quality of early childhood education opportunities.
✓ Optimize birth and child development outcomes and enhance family economic self-sufficiency.

Educate & Advocate
All children and families will be on a level playing field because of our work with early childhood educators, community members, and decision makers.
✓ Ensure our community is digitally inclusive by minimizing technology barriers for our organization, our partners, and the families we serve.
✓ Increase growth opportunities for early childhood educators and families through individualized coaching, continuing education, and the promotion of best practices.
✓ Enhance the perception of and expand funding for early childhood programs.

Collaborate & Convene
Our partners and the community will be united around the common goal of building strong futures for our children.
✓ Expand and enhance our relationships with partners and stakeholders across three focus areas: early education, family support, and health.
✓ Create better linkages within the programs that RCPC offers.
✓ Expand our base of influence among partners, decision makers, and the general community.

Families, partners, and the community are fully aware of RCPC’s presence and services.
✓ Expand the profile of RCPC and its various programs through efficient and effective marketing, communication, and development efforts.
✓ Ensure that early childhood education is included in relevant community conversations about child development, school success, and economic vitality.

“Early childhood development is the most powerful investment in human capital that a country can make.”