Family Leaders Advisory Council
This council ensures that families with young children and early childhood professionals’ voices are at the center of decision making. We aim to create change by sharing the experiences, wisdom, and strategies of the Family Leaders Advisory Council members with community partners and policy makers.
The Family Leaders Advisory Council (FLAC) is currently made up of 10 community members. To be eligible to participate, participants must:
Live in Rockingham County
Be available to attend our monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Commit to be on the council for at least one year
Be a parent/legal guardian of children under the age of 5
This initiative focuses on increasing the resiliency of all community members, with specific initiatives targeting parents and caregivers of young children, early childhood professionals and communities at the intersection of race and poverty by ensuring that these individuals have a seat at the table and are part of designing the menu.

Made possible by the Preschool Development Grant (PDG) funded through the Division of Child Development & Early Education (DCDEE), The North Carolina Partnership for Children (NCPC), and the Reidsville Area Foundation (RAF) in order to support Rockingham County's youngest learners.
Join Us
We are taking a temporary pause on Family Leaders Advisory Council work, but please check back for future opportunities! If you have any questions, please contact the Rockingham County Partnership for Children.
(336) 342-9676
All participants are compensated for their time and commitment.
Conditions for Success
How do agencies support family engagement and leadership?
Agencies prioritize engaging families as partners as a central strategy to achieving positive, equitable, and sustainable outcomes for our children and families.
Agencies make it a priority to understand families’ experiences and break down barriers created by structural and individual racism and other types of discrimination.
Agencies make program decision with – not for – families, by partnering with families and parent-led organizations from the start and continually.
Agencies ensure families have access to information and supports that make it possible for them to fully participate and influence agency and system-level change processes.