
KidsReady Rockingham is a coalition of approximately 30 individuals representing several sectors and organizations in Rockingham County to include but not limited to local government, faith-based organizations, Rockingham County Schools, Help Inc, mental health service providers, medical providers, Department of Health and Human Services and early childhood professionals across the county.
This initiative is intended to support the early childhood system capacity-building model that is intended to activate our community in creating and elevating solutions to address challenges families with young children are facing in our county.

This framework is designed to produce positive outcomes for the participating communities while creating strategies and successes that other similar communities can draw upon in the future. Locally, we are focusing on building resilience by supporting social-emotional health in early childhood, family engagement and leadership in decision making processes across sectors, specifically, for families with children ages zero to school entry.

Join Us
If you are interested in being a champion for early childhood, consider joining our KidsReady Advisory Council!
While we are not currently holding consistent meetings, we remain engaged with the goals and vision of KidsReady and hope to resume meetings soon. Questions? Call the Rockingham County Partnership for Children.
“The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child;
it is whether we can afford not to.”