RoCo Early Childhood Academy
Second Cohort Academy Is Here!
Registration opens: 8/26/2024
Academy Classes:
Week 1: 9/30/24-10/4/24, Week 2:10/7/24-10/11/24
Early experiences mold the architecture of the brain, building capacity to learn and grow cognitively, emotionally, and socially. Optimal brain development depends on secure attachments with caregivers, both in the home and in child care. Infant-toddler teachers must have the knowledge, skills, and resources to provide consistent, nurturing, and positive relationships. Every day, approximately 15,000 infant-toddler teachers are paid to care for and educate over 60,000 infants and toddlers enrolled in licensed child care programs across North Carolina (NC Early Education Coalition, 2021).
With the national child care crisis happening our goal for this academy is to prepare you in Early Childhood and equip you with a career portfolio to be immediately eligible for employment in the field of Early Care and Education. The academy also includes connecting you to resources, compensation programs, job fairs, local community college offerings, and ongoing training!
Click here to complete the application.
What to Expect?
Individuals graduating from this academy will have an employment portfolio of training certificates required by the state of North Carolina and will be immediately eligible for employment in the field of early care and education.
Class Schedule
Mark your calendar! Classes are from 9/30/24-10/11/24. Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. This intensive academy will require full participation and attendance is required for the two weeks in order to graduate from the academy.
Please review this section before you apply to ensure you are eligible.